Crooked teeth can detract from an otherwise beautiful smile. Traditionally, this problem is corrected with orthodontic treatment that shifts your teeth back to their desired position. Options such as braces or Invisalign can restore a properly aligned bite and help you achieve a straight, beautiful smile. However, these treatments can take a long time to complete, making them less desirable for individuals looking for a “quick fix.”
Dr. Heather Fleschler can use porcelain veneers to help you achieve a straight smile in a fraction of the time necessary to complete traditional orthodontics treatment. In just 2 office visits, porcelain veneers can deliver the beautiful smile you desire. For this reason, they are often referred to as “instant orthodontics.”
It’s important to understand that while your teeth will appear straight to others, they have not actually been straightened. Porcelain veneers are bonded to the front surface of your teeth to cover up a variety of imperfections, including crooked teeth. Underneath your veneers, your teeth will remain crooked. In order to achieve the functional benefits of a straight smile that go along with the improved appearance, you will need to invest the time necessary for Invisalign or traditional braces.
During your initial consultation, Dr. Fleschler will explain all of the options available to straighten your teeth, including instant orthodontics, so that you can make a fully informed decision regarding your treatment plan.
Please contact Dr. Heather Fleschler using the form on this page or call (713) 660-6500 today to schedule a consultation. We serve patients in the Houston, Texas areas of West University, River Oaks, Meyerland and Bellaire.